Monday, May 24, 2010

What is the Java code that you paste into your browser to edit websites?

There is like a javascript code that you paste as your url and press enter. Once you did it, the whole site will be under your control. I know it doesnt really change it but I want to find out what the code is. Thanks

What is the Java code that you paste into your browser to edit websites?
javascript: document.body. contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0

Visit the page you want to edit. Then copy/paste this into the address box and press enter.

here's something.

Javascript can change things on a website

but its not that simple,

and you can't hack a website with one line of Mocha

That's madness.

You would have to own the website, and have DIRECT access to do that.




inside of ()

you want to put what you want to change, for instance


that will change that password for the fifth

form that uses 'passwordcheck' and calls the password


many other things can be done

flower seeds

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